Being Alexis Prothro

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High VIBErations Series: Central Library

Welcoming 2023 with open arms! I took the final week of 2022 to reset. Why, because breaks are needed and I am teaching myself that it is okay to take them. I’ve decided to be very intentional this year with my thoughts, my health, my relationships, and most importantly my passions. My theme for January is Engage. The goal is to DO more, see more, and just immerse myself in all of the things that bring me joy.

I am reading The Four Agreements right now and it is GETTING MY LIFE! If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. I have been searching for new spaces to read, write, and edit. If you know me you know I love a good productive space.

All I need is a little lo-fi music, some good scenery, and a candle! As part of my quest to discover new places to frequent, I'm launching my High VIBErations series to showcase places where creatives can catch all of the feels. Whether you're a creative, enjoy eccentric spots, or are just looking for office space, this series has you covered!

I finally took the time to visit the Atlanta Central Library. In terms of places to visit in Atlanta, it's been on my list for some time. When I need to complete a few tasks, I usually visit bookstores, cafes, or outdoor seating, but this time I decided to go to the library. I haven't been to a library since college so it triggered a little nostalgia. Working from unique spaces always seems to keep me motivated. Let me tell you this place definitely did just that. First, this library is filled with art, and the most beautiful architecture. It was built in 1977 by architect Marcel Breuer which happens to be his only piece of work in Atlanta. A masterpiece it is!

For a quick look click here.

What are your essentials for a productive workspace?

Drop a comment and share your favorite High VIBE spaces!

Don’t forget to subscribe, and let me know if you decide to visit!