Season 4 Ep. 6 of my Life

Season 4 Episode 6 of my life is going a little something like this! Even though it's crazier than I ever imagined, I wouldn't change a thing.

Update: I took some time off to examine my passions and revisit my career journey, and let me tell you it was incredibly rewarding. I picked up a couple of freelance opportunities that shifted my perspective on my previous desires. After the projects ended, I realized how important it is to create the life you want. As far as a career goes, there isn't anything that I can see myself doing forever. I have multiple goals, multiple skills, and ultimately multiple passions. As for my personal life, it has flourished in the best way (IYKYK). I moved from my well-loved loft apartment to a more roomier one. Considering Atlanta's skyrocketing rent prices, I decided to get more space and value for my money. This move was completely unplanned and quick, but cheers to me because you got it done gworl! The only downside was that I had to move on my birthday. My new space isn't the only thing I am valuing, but also things I am passionate about.


The Wisdom of Sundays by Oprah Winfrey

The Path Made Clear by Oprah Winfrey

Each of these books has changed my perspective on how we live our lives. In both books, Oprah has included excerpts from interviews with notable people. There isn't much I can say because they are just THAT GOOD! Here are a few excerpts that I have marked in my book.

Watching: A couple shows I've finished binge watching recently! Both fall under the suspense and thriller categories and are definitely worth the watch!

Looking forward to: I'm going on a writers retreat to finish some things, and I couldn't be more excited!  I'm ready to be surrounded with nature and my thoughts. I'm ready for the cold weather and Fall leaves and most importantly I am ready to wine down and EXHALE for a few days. 

Currently: These days I’m taking it slow, focusing on gratitude, and being present. I used to find being present such a challenge. My mind would constantly jump from one goal to the next. I found myself accomplishing the goals that I’d set and immediately creating new ones. Don't get me wrong, it is perfectly fine to set goals for yourself but I realized that I was missing the little “aha” moments of my life.

“To be present is to be fully conscious of the moment and free from internal and external distractions.”

After much practice and dedication I think I am on the road to mastery. 


My Current Skincare Routine Ft. Kiehls:


3 Things I Learned While Journaling